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Adverbes : correction exercices


1. Our job has become increasingly taxing.


2. I have never met so courageous a man.


3. I can scarcely believe what happened.


4. Her glasses were nowhere to be found.


5. He never wrote me once on fifteen years.


6. The count forbade that the door at the end of the passage be opened on any account.


7. Crime is on the increase hence the need for more CCTV cameras.


8. I almost lost my temper.


9. They reluctantly got rid of their ancient Mercedes.


10. Brown is a rather friendly chap, isn't he?


11. And all of a sudden the sun disappeared.


12. We had scarcely driven two miles when the car broke down.


13. We were deeply disappointed.


14. The meeting lasted roughly six hours.


15. I was not about to submit meekly to her blackmail.


16. They have broken the laws and will be punished accordingly.


17. He seemed to be half asleep.


18. He is an impossible boss to work for, his excellent management notwithwtanding.


19. Regrettably, there's nothing we can do to help.


20. He or she who works hardest will get the biggest bonus.




Bienvenue chez educastream qui aborde dans cette section le thème suivant: les adverbes.N'hesiter pas à consulter aussi le chapitre sur les adjectifs. Vous avez également la possibilité de suivre des formations professionnelles d'anglais afin d'améliorer vos compétences.




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