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Do : auxiliaire ou simple verbe ?

I. Le verbe "do"

Le verbe do est l'équivalent du verbe français "faire". Il est suivi d'un COD :

- I do my homework every evening. (= Je fais mes devoirs tous les soirs).
Sa forme passée, did, correspond aux différentes formes passées du verbe "faire" :
- I did my homework last night. (= J'ai fait mes devoirs hier soir).
Il se combine, au présent et au passé avec la forme be+ing1 :
- I'm busy. I'm doing my homework. (= Je suis occupé. Je fais / je suis en train de faire mes devoirs).
- I was doing my homework when Dad entered my room. (= Je faisais mes devoirs quand Papa est entré dans ma chambre).


II. Au passé, aux formes interrogatives et négatives


Comme tous les autres verbes, do est conjugué avec l'auxiliaire did qui, lui, n'est pas suivi d'un COD mais d'une base verbale.


III. Conjugaison du verbe do (en gris dans ce tableau) au simple past



Forme +

Forme ?2

Forme -2

1ère sing

I did my homework.

Did I do my homework?

I didn't do my homework.

2ème sing

You did your homework. 

Did you

do your homework?

You didn't do your homework. 

3ème masc sing

He did his homework. 

Did he do his homework?

He didn't do his homework. 

3ème fem sing

She did her homework. 

Did she do her homework?

She didn't do her homework. 

3ème neutre sing

The robot did the housework every day. 

Did It do the housework every day ?

It didn't do the housework every day.

1ère plur

We did our homework. 

Did we do our homework?

We didn't do our homework. 

2ème plur

You did >your homework. 

Did you do your homework?

You didn't do your homework. 

3ème plur

They did their homework. 

Did they do their homework?

They didn't do their homework. 

Les auxiliaires dans ce tableau figurent en gras orange.


IV. Conjugaison du verbe do (en gris dans ce tableau) au présent be+ing



Forme +

Forme ?2

Forme -2

1ère sing

I am doing3 my homework.

Am I doing my homework?

I am not doing my homework.

2ème sing

You are doing your homework. 

Are you doing your homework?

You aren't doing your homework. 

3ème masc sing

He is doing his homework.

Is he doing his homework?

He isn't doing his homework.

3ème fem sing

She is doing her homework.

Is she doing her homework?


She isn't doing her homework.


3ème neutre sing

The robot is doing the housework every day.

Is it doing the housework every day?


It isn't doing the homework every day.


1ère plur

We are doing our homework.

Are we doing our homework?

We aren't doing our homework. 

2ème plur

You are doing your homework.

Are you doing your homework?


You aren't doing your homework.

3ème plur

They are doing their homework.

Are they doing their homework?


They aren't doing their homework. > 

Les auxiliaires dans ce tableau figurent en gras orange.F


V. Conjugaison du verbe do (en gris dans ce tableau) au passé en be+ing


Forme +

Forme ?2

Forme -2

1ère sing

I was doing 3 my homework.

Was I doing my homework?

I am not doing my homework.

2ème sing

You were doing your homework.

Were you doing your homework?

You weren't doing your homework. 

3ème masc sing

He was doing his homework.

Was he doing his homework?

He wasn't doing his homework.

3ème fem sing

She was doing her homework.

Was she doing her homework?

She wasn't doing her homework.

3ème neutre sing

The robot was doing the housework every day.

Was it doing the housework every day?

It wasn't doing the homework every day.

1ère plur

We were doing our homework.

Were we doing our homework?

We weren't doing our homework. 

2ème plur

You were doing your homework.

Were you doing your homework?

You weren't doing your homework.

3ème plur

They were doing their homework.

Were they doing their homework?

They weren't doing their homework.

Les auxiliaires dans ce tableau figurent en gras orange.



1. Voir la fiche sur le présent be+ing
2. remarquez que l'auxiliaire did ne change pas de forme, quelle que soit la personne du sujet : il fonctionne comme un auxiliaire modal.
3. participe présent du verbe do. L'auxiliaire, lui, n'a que deux formes : do et did. → il fonctionne comme un auxiliaire modal.




Exercices : do, auxiliaire ou simple verbe ?