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Exprimer la quantité


Exprimer la quantité : exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)


Répondez aux énoncés suivants avec les informations correspondant à votre situation. Ne répétez pas le nom.
Justifiez en traduisant vote réponse.


1. How much homework do you do every day?

2. Do you have any enemies?

3.How many books do you read every year?

4. How much baggage do you take with you on holiday?

5. What about girls?

6. How much rain do you have in your region?

7. How much hair has your father left on his head?


Exprimer la quantité : exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)


Répondez aux énoncés suivants avec les informations correspondant à votre situation. Ne répétez pas le nom.
(Don't lie!) Justifiez vos réponses en traduisant.


1. Are there many thefts (vols) in your school?

2. Are there many accidents in your city?

3. How many people live in your town?

4. Do you have many friends outside school?

5. How much help do you give your parents in the house?



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