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Natures et rôles du mot "that"

Natures et rôles de "that" : exercice 1 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Indiquez la nature de that dans les énoncés suivants :


1. The mayor demanded that parking in front of fire-hydrant be severely punished.

2. I think that they should even tow away the cars parked in such places.

3. I agree a hundred percent with that!

4. The next time that I see such lawless behavior, I'll call the cops myself.

5. The idea that people could be so thoughtless is really disgusting.

6. A friend of mine will certainly remember not to do that again.

7. He had to pay a $100 fine for parking like that.

8. A 100 only? That was not that expensive for what I think is a serious offence.


Natures et rôles de "that" : exercice 2 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Indiquez quels that pourraient être omis dans les énoncés suivants :


1. The mayor demanded that parking in front of fire-hydrant be severely punished.

2. I think that they should even tow away the cars parked in such places.

3. I agree a hundred percent with that!

4. The next time that I see such lawless behavior, I'll call the cops myself.

5. The idea that people could be so thoughtless is really disgusting.

6. A friend of mine will certainly remember not to do that again.

7. He had to pay a $100 fine for parking like that.

8. A 100 only? That was not that expensive for what I think is a serious offence.


Natures et rôles de "that" : exercice 3 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Traduisez les énoncés suivants :


1. The mayor demanded thatparking in front of fire-hydrant be severely punished.

2. I think thatthey should even tow away the cars parked in such places.

3. I agree a hundred percent with that!

4. The next time thatI see such lawless behavior, I'll call the cops myself.

5. The idea thatpeople could be so thoughtless is really disgusting.

6. A friend of mine will certainly remember not to do that again.

7. He had to pay a $100 fine for parking like that.

8. A 100 only? Thatwas not thatexpensive for what I think is a serious offence.


Natures et rôles de "that" : exercice 4 (niveau A2 - débutant)

Ce…(la), ce que, que : traduisez :


1. Que veut-il dire par là ?

2. Cela ne vaut même pas la peine d'être mentionné.

3. Le métier que tu veux faire est voué à disparaître.

4. Tout le monde te dira que c'est perdu d'avance.

5. Ce que tu veux faire est impossible.

6. Ce n'est pas aussi grave que ça, si ?

7. L'histoire qu'il m'a racontée n'a ni queue ni tête.





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