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Voix Passive


Voix passive: exercice 1


Participe passé ou adjectif ?
Les mots soulignés des énoncés suivants sont-ils des participes passés (passifs) ou des participes passés devenus adjectifs?


1. She was excited by the prospect of meeting the president.


2. Suddenly General Custer was surrounded by a thousand Sioux.


3. The clothes had been scrubbed clean. There was apparently no trace of blood on them.


4. The forensic police examined the cleaned clothes scrupulously.


5. I couldn't believe my eyes! This was an authentic autographed copy of a Hemingway book.


6. The book had been signed by the writer himself.


7. I could run fast enough and got myself arrested.


8. The walls were made of stone. But the ceiling was painted.


9. Incredible. When I entered Cassandra's room, her bed was made!


10. And more stunning still, the dishes had been done and the sink cleaned.


Voix passive: exercice 2


Synthèse. Transformez en énoncés passifs.


1. He so often made serious mistakes that they fired him.


2. They forced us to empty our pockets.


3. Your grammar needs brushing up.


4. All the neighbourhood heard the mother's screams.


5. Your car wants cleaning.




Vous trouverez dans cette fiche les informations indispensables à la compréhension de la voix passive. Pour profiter pleinement de ce cours ainsi que celui sur les particules adverbiales, il est recommendé d'avoir un niveau B2 au moins. Cette fiche a été créée par Educastream qui propose aussi des cours à distance.

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