Les structures causatives : Récapitulatif
Exercice 1.
Traductions de "faire attendre". Compréhension.
Expliquez les situations qui pourraient justifier les diverses traductions de cette expression.
1. They kept us waiting.
2. They had us wait for a few minutes.
3. They got us to wait a little longer.
4. They made us wait for him against our will.
5. They caused us to wait and we missed our train.
6. They ordered us to wait behind the yellow line.
7. They forced us to wait in the departure lounge.
Exercice 2.
Expression. Imaginez ce qui a été dit pour donner le résultat indiqué.
1. Altough she didn't like him much, Mom finally let us go to the beach with Bradley.
2. After hours of questioning, I got them to confess to the robbery. Their various answers showed their alibi didn't hold water.
3. I had Michael change the dented fender for me. He did it in a day.
4. I went to the bodyshop and had the dented fender changed.
5. Mother told him she wouldn't have anyone talk / talking to her like that.
6. I told my parents they couldn't make me learn how to play the piano.
7. I told the policeman on duty that I (had) had my purse stolen while I was answering my cellphone.
8. I couldn't believe what he said, and I told him he had me wondering about his honesty.
9. We told them not to keep us waiting or we would go without them.
Exercice 3.
Traduisez : attention aux énoncés ambigus.
1. Ils m'ont fait décorer.
2. Ils m'ont fait décorer la maison.
3. Ils nous ont fait envoyer des fleurs.
4. Ce film m'a fait bailler dès la dixième minute.
5. Il a réussi à me faire dire ce que je savais.
6. Ils ont fait exécuter les otages.
7. On vous fera savoir la semaine prochaine si votre candidature est retenue.
8. Fais-moi cuire un œuf à la coque, s'il te plaît.
Avec Educastream apprendre l'anglais en ligne devient un plaisir.Les structures causatives sont ici explicitées et, grâce à ce cours, il devient possible de saisir le sens d'expressions idiomatiques. Le niveau nécessaire à la bonne compréhension de ce cours, ainsi que celui sur have, est B2.
Accéder aux corrections sur les structures causatives : récapitulatif